Registration STDI Bandung
Fill out the Registration Form (Form can be downloaded on the STDI website at or through the STDI office) with a Registration Fee (Form) of IDR 300,000. These fees can be transferred to the account of Bank BJB Taman Sari Branch Number 0061121676001 on behalf of the Indonesian Design College. The form can be filled when uploading proof of Registration Fee (Form).
Complete the required documents such as
Photocopy of high school diploma that has been legalized (Compulsory)
Photocopy of KTP (Mandatory)
Photocopy of Family Card (Mandatory)
Passport photo 3 x 4, as many as 2 pieces (Compulsory)
Certificate of Good Behavior (Following)
Portfolio in the form of Color and Black and White Images of their own work (Following)
After the registration form is entered, prospective new students will be interviewed either in person or via telephone
After going through the interview process, prospective new students will wait to get a Letter of Acceptance from STDI
After being declared accepted, prospective new students make payment of the specified tuition fees
All information will be communicated via email, telephone, or via SMS
Wave of Registration
Gelombang | Waktu Gelombang | Biaya Uang Pangkal |
Ditutup | Ditutup | Ditutup |
Gel.2 (Potongan 60%) | Feb - Mei 2025 | Rp. 6,340,000,- |
Gel.3 (Potongan 50%) | Jun - Sept 2025 | Rp. 7,925,000,- |
-The fee is alreadyincluding Semester 1/Odd Fees
-Payment caninstallments per month
Skema Cicilan Biaya Semester Per Bulan
Rp. 1.458.334,-/Bulan (Kelas Reguler)
- Cicilan Flat sampai lulus, Tidak ada bunga atau 0%
- Cicilan Uang Pangkal Maks 2 Semeseter ( 12 Bulan )
- Info program angsuran/cicilan per bulan dapat hubungi Tim PMB STDI ( 0813 1212 3152 )
Skema Cicilan Biaya Semester Per Bulan
Rp. Rp. 1.625.000,-/Bulan (Kelas Karyawan)
- Cicilan Flat sampai lulus, Tidak ada bunga atau 0%
- Cicilan Uang Pangkal Maks 2 Semeseter ( 12 Bulan )
- Info program angsuran/cicilan per bulan dapat hubungi Tim PMB STDI ( 0813 1212 3152 )

Beasiswa Prestasi
Melampirkan bukti Prestasi selama masa sekolah
Melengkapi Administrasi syarat pendaftaran
Seleksi mandiri PTS-Sekolah Tinggi Desain Indonesia
Mahasiswa baru STDI penerima Beasiswa Wastoe52 wajib
memperhatikan prestasi akademik selama melakukan perkuliahan di
STDI dengan meraih IPS/IPK minimal 3,5 setiap semesternya.